Paper Clip


About Us

Hi, I am Priyanka.

As a child, I was always drawn to colours and spent hours imagining what if…?
My curiosity didn’t kill the cat, but pleasantly got me into making my dream come true of creating and exploring different forms of art. My architecture school taught me that designing buildings is not the only learning architecture offers. I am so blessed to be an architect that not only designs spaces, but also the spaces between them.
Something that I learnt and absolutely swear by till date is a quote by Arne Jacobsen,
‘If a building becomes architecture, then it is art’
I applied that learning everywhere, like a child would. Questioning, brainstorming, experimenting and hours of painting led me to start my own design studio-Paperclip.
Based in Mumbai, I established Paperclip Studio with the intention of challenging different materials, by questioning its properties and creating art that is true to itself.

Why the name Paperclip,you ask?

Our studio draws analogy from the physical form of paperclip-Ductile, flexible and holding different paradigms of design intact yet accessible.

Paperclip studio tries to strive a creative balance between contemporary ways of presentation and traditional forms of design.

Why shop from us ?

At Paperclip we make sure our designs execute a quirky sense of humor so as to break the norms of conventional thinking and reasoning. Our products are rendered with a combination of traditional craftsmanship and contemporary techniques.Why carry boring stationery or use a mediocre serving platter or even reside in an unpleasant space, when you have us?

So stop mundane, and start Paperclip now!